Out in the garden at last!

After a shaky and pretty painful start to the week for me, the mood picked up considerably with the arival of…summer! I woke up on Sunday with my neck muscles in spasm and hardly able to move – ouch. I have no idea what I did, it was just one of those horrible muscular injuries that just need time and patience to mend. I have been well looked after and gradualy got more mobile and less painful over the week and we have managed to get out into the sunshine!

Our highlights of the week this week include:

A shady picnic in the park

This was a very impromptu trip out (as the best ones are!) after we popped into Dave’s work one lunchtime to drop of some equipment. Dave asked what we were doing for the rest of the day and my ‘to do’ list included cleaning the bathroom, hoovering, ironing etc etc (exciting!) but Dave persuaded me that we should just go out and enjoy the beautiful weather while it lasts. I do feel guilty about times like this when Dave is cooped up at work and Annabelle and I are ‘gallivanting about’, and I try to make up for it by keeping on top of all the dull stuff. I am lucky to have a very understanding husband who can persuade me to prioritise!

So, reassured, we popped to the supermarket for sandwiches, and nipped round to Woodbank park for lunch under the trees!

Splashing in the garden

At last! Annabelle has been eyeing up all the ‘summery’ toys stashed away since the sales last Autumn, and I keep telling her “when the weather is warmer”, “when the grass is dry”, “when it’s not blowing a gale” … but they are out at last! Her favourite is defiantly the whale sprinkler, she likes to surround this with buckets to collect the water and transfer water back and forth into buckets and containers. The only trouble with getting outside is the lack of shade in our garden. We are not properly shaded until about 6pm so we end up either playing in a shady corner late in the afternoon (from about 4pm onwards) or dashing in after no more than 30 minutes in the sun! Still, we can’t complain – we have a garden and it is a joy to be able to use it!

Al fresco dining

The sunny spell has introduced Annabelle to the possibilities of eating outside and my word, she just loves it! Every meal time she asks “Eat outside? Eat outside?” We are certainly going to have some well fed birds as she loves to throw any stray bits of food or scraps down on the floor for them!

Water hand prints

Annabelle discovered this all by herself. She put her wet hands on the fence and then had a look at the marks left behind, chatting to herself about ‘prints’. She tried a couple of different surfaces, but she was too busy to hang around long enough to see the prints disappear again in the heat. Sadly she had dispensed with all of her clothes by this point, so no photos!!

  1. Lovely set of photos,(very good one of Dave).

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