Out and about this week

We found the perfect place to practice scooting!

Bike track!

This little bike track is a new instalment at our local park, and is the perfect distance to walk to, via the railway bridge to wave at trains! The best bit is the fuel station with petrol pumps to fill up your bike or scooter. We first found this when we had popped to the park without Annabelle’s scooter but she still had a good run round in an imaginary car and filled it up with petrol.

Need more petrol!

On our next visit, we took the scooter and she loved going back and forth to the petrol pumps and whizzing off to the traffic lights saying “waiting for green light”.


Look what the dentist gave me!

Biiig sticker!

We popped to the dentist for our 6 monthly check ups, and Annabelle was a little star, earning herself this massive sticker! She has been with us every 6 months to get used to going, and since she has had her own teeth she has been letting Dr Rob have a look. She sits on Dave’s lap, and opens her mouth really wide for him to see. I am glad she is getting used to the routine of going so early, so it won’t be such a big deal when she is older.


Look at my ears!

Annabelle has discovered the front facing camera on my phone, and she loves having a good long look at herself and pulling funny faces.

Just too cute to keep to myself!

  1. That’s my girl becoming a petrol head like her aunty 😀

    I love reading about annabelles adventures brings a smile every morning. Keep up the good work please. Sharon

  2. Now thats the HAT of the year.

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