
Annabelle and I were treated to a trip to “The Las Vegas of the North” (ahem!!) a couple of weeks ago by Grandma and Grandad. Our main agenda was the Sea Life Centre but we also enjoyed lots of other sights along the way!

Annabelle’s main highlight of the trip that she always wants to talk about is the queue for the parking machine when we arrived! She has a thing for parking ticket machines at the moment and she loves to spot them in car parks and of course – put the money in! For some reason there was only one machine working in the whole (huge) car park, which of course meant there was a massive queue, so Annabelle had plenty of time to practise shouting “Come on Grandad, come on everybody it’s taking ages, ages, ages!!”

When we eventually got in, we enjoyed seeing all the different fish, crustations, jelly fish and a ridiculously huge octopus! Annabelle was very nervous when we first went in, the aquarium is dimly lit with lots of strange creatures in glass tanks right in front of her so it’s understandable. Once we touched the glass and she realised they couldn’t get to her she was much happier!

sealife centre blackpool

What on earth?!

We loved the famous tunnel where you become surrounded by sharks, stingrays and all sorts of other creatures swimming above and around you.

sealife centre blackpool

“Look at that shiny one Grandma!”

Once we finished at the Sea Life Centre, we crossed the road to the famous ‘promenade’ (avoiding the very swish new trams!) for a look at the sea. The tide was right in, so there wasn’t much beach to see but we looked for the other landmarks such as Blackpool Tower, the big wheel and the piers.


Seeing the sights with Grandma

We decided to find a quieter spot to take a stroll so we headed down the road to Lytham St Annes and this beautiful beach.

Lytham St Annes

Lytham St Annes

Annabelle found herself a stick and a small collection of stones and settled in straight away! She had a lovely time drawing patterns on the sand and looking for interesting coloured and shaped stones. It makes me wish we lived a little closer to the beach – although for anyone reading this in central America, I probably shouldn’t complain about being 63 miles away from a beach!

lytham st annes

Busy finding stones

Lytham St Annes

Showing Grandma what to do

Lytham St Annes

Looking at her shadow

Lytham St Annes

I love this photo!

Thankyou Grandma and Grandad, we had a lovely day!

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