Home Made Gifts – Cookie Mix Jars

I would have liked to share these before Christmas, but being gifts it would have spoiled the surprise for a few people!

Anyway, these are my Christmas cookie mix jars.

Christmas cookie mix jars

I love making cakes and cookies as gifts, but I think the idea of giving cookie mix is great – you can make them in advance if you are not sure when you will see the recipient and your friends can have freshly baked cookies at a time that suits them.

I used the cookie mix from this site, but I added cranberries for a Christmas twist instead of the M&Ms. I printed the instructions, added some ribbon and ta-dah!

Christmas cookie mix jars

Christmas cookie mix jars

  1. What a great idea.

  2. We made these the other week and they were amazing! I’ve followed your link to find the receipe- what flour did you use? Just need to buy measuring cups now! X

    • Hi Sarah, glad you enjoyed them 🙂
      The ‘all purpose flour’ just means plain flour. (I used the nice organic stuff for you guys 😉 )
      I did try to convert the measures from cups into grams, but converting volume into weight got really complicated because it is different for every item-so I stuck with cups lol!

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