Today we went to the supermarket and as usual we had to get a trolley with “One baby seat and one big girl seat” so that Annabelle and Big Baby could sit together (Don’t shout at me, we only use them when there are plenty of spares for the real babies!) and as usual Big Baby was dressed appropriately for the weather, had a bottle of water and a snack. The lady at the checkout said to Annabelle “Ooh it’s nice to see a doll with some clothes on, usually children carry around naked babies!” Annabelle looked horrified at the idea, she patiently sits and gets her babies dressed and undressed herself every day.
My point is Annabelle takes looking after her babies VERY seriously. Suzy and Big Baby get their own library books every time we visit, they have their own seats in restaurants, they have their nappies changed when Annabelle goes to the toilet, and Annabelle probably spends as much time pushing them on the swings or roundabout at the park as she does playing on them herself!
Here are just a few little insights into life as Annabelle’s baby…

Swinging together at Brabyns Park – It is not only the dolls that have to get dressed up, bears do too!

Big Baby has learnt to stand up! I think she had a little help to climb to the top of this climbing frame though.

Lucky Big Baby even got her very own paddling pool during the hot weather, complete with her own selection of pool toys!
One of my funniest memories is of Annabelle dressed in her nurse’s outfit ‘caring’ for Suzy . She gently picked her up from the sofa, stroked her and said softly “Ah, hello Suzy are you ok? Come on then, let’s get you bumped.” She then carried Suzy carefully to the hallway, swung her by the feet and smashed her head against the door. All so she could take care of her again!! As I said, Annabelle takes this very seriously! We made her babies some bandages from ribbon and Velcro after a particularly nasty spate of stair falls. We also made some re-usable felt and Velcro nappies (diapers) that she pretends to wash in her washing machine *eco-mum gold star for me 😉 *

Cleaning the wall together ready for a new sofa. (We didn’t ask her too, but this is exactly how I found them!)

Suzy always comes to the dentist with us to have her teach checked, but this time it was Annabelle’s turn to be a dentist!

“There might be a snake in this log pile house, or the Gruffalo might be waiting. You look first Suzy.”
A note on Big Baby. Big Baby has been known as Big Baby since she arrived at Christmas time. We met Suzy first and she was named, then we met Big Baby. She was a big baby compared to little Suzy! Annabelle has tried to give her various names but they just never stick, and we return to Big Baby! She has even been into school with me to be Baptised by the local Reverend when we learnt about Christianity. The children agreed that we couldn’t possibly baptise her Big Baby so they voted to name her Ellie. I told Annabelle about all this, and she replied “That sounds nice, did you have fun Big Baby?”
You have all had a VERY busy summer .!!
Ha ha, these are not all from summer!