More little Moments

Here are a few of our little moments from the end of summer.

Secret Moments

Shhh…don’t tell Grandad, but Annabelle has been playing golf without him!

My Dad is a retired professional golfer, and I am pretty sure that he has designs on teaching Annabelle to play too! I don’t think he will mind too much that she has been playing golf with her other Grandad because these plastic clubs don’t really count, right? And besides, Annabelle seems to favour hockey style use of the clubs rather than golf!! I did try and show her how to use a proper grip but she was too busy throwing the ball about and shouting ‘golf, golf, golf!’ We may need to work a little on course etiquette!


Nostalgic Moments

Annabelle and I recently bought Dave a ‘Mr Happy’ cup as a present – It was his last day before 2 weeks off so a cup that said “My Daddy is Mr Happy” was pretty apt! When we got home, I got out this little Mr Happy cup for Annabelle. It used to be my cup at my Nan and Grandad’s house when I was little, and it was lovely to pass it down to Annabelle and let her use it. I explained that we need to look after it because it is precious, and she has been so careful with it – what a star.


Sensible Moments

We recently saw a police helicopter circling overhead, and we watched for a while and discussed what the police might be looking for. One idea that stuck with Annabelle was that the police were looking for someone who had got lost. She decided that maybe the ‘lost people’ had run off from Mummy and Daddy in the park. A few days later we were playing with her train sets, and Annabelle started acting out a scenario of people getting lost and the police looking for them and bringing them back.

She collected up lots of little people, and sent them all to one corner of the train track. Next a police car rushed off to get them and bring them back. She shouted at the ‘lost people’ “Don’t run off again, hold onto Mummy and Daddy!”. Needless to say, the naughty people didn’t hold onto Mummy and Daddy, they ran off several times again until they learned their lesson! At least Annabelle has well and truly understood the safety message about not getting lost!


Why Not Moments

Sandwiches for lunch? Star shaped? Why not!

star sandwiches


Teaching Moments

Annabelle has been teaching Bunny Rabbit about colours and numbers.

Rabbit’s lunch

She brought a few toys outside after lunch one day, and set the cups up along the bench to give rabbit some ‘food’. She told the rabbit which colour cup he was eating from each time, saying “this is the blue cup rabbit, this is the yellow cup rabbit”. Next, we moved on to some counting. Annabelle had brought some number cards out, she held rabbit’s paw and counted the pictures on each card.

I love the way that she is so excited about learning and practicing new skills, and sharing them with her little friends!

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