Tag Archives: Preston

Easter Crafting

Easter Bonnet Craft

Easter seemed to creep up on us quickly this year but we managed to make time for some egg and bunny based crafting! Most of these are from the craft kits we bought from Tesco last year in the post …

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Riversway Festival 2012

This was the second time since spring that we have headed off to Preston for some Guild Festival fun! The Riversway Festival is an annual maritime festival at Preston Docks, but being a Preston Guild year, all was promised to …

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This weekend we were in Preston to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with a good old British tea party in the rain! After the beautiful weather last week, we were all looking forward to gathering in the garden for a …

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Egg rolling!

Here is another old one… but we had such fun, I wanted to share! This year for Easter we went egg rolling in Preston. Apparently egg rolling is one of those traditions that goes back as far as anyone can …

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